Matt.5:45 that you may be children of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust.
Can we make ourselves into children of God by obeying this commandment? No we can't, does that offend you? Well, hopefully you will consider the whole truth, which is, without the life of Christ Jesus in us we are not God's children, and we can't love our enemies as Christ Jesus loves them with the mind of God.
The mind of God which Christ Jesus is entrusted with for his body members is not partial it does not have two sets of standards for judgment, one for the good and one for the evil, no! God loves all the same by His law of love, He allows us to have a free moral will to choose good and evil as He did Adam and Eve. What He does not do is shut off the heavens because people chose to be wicked against his righteous laws. God does not than take their free will and punish them, no! God blessed His enemies by giving them the same good gifts of life as He does those that are good. God does not Himself become unjust having two sets of judgments one for the wicked and one for the righteous.
If a person is honest, and believes in God they would question themselves based upon their own judgment and hatred of their enemies - how just God truly is? They would know in their hearts that such kindness and love is far greater than any man can show. Moreover, they would leave such judgments of their enemies in the hands of God the one capable Supreme Being which judges righteously.
The giving of good too the wicked and evil does not come from the hearts of men, it comes from God heart whom loves the world so much He sent us the ultimate gift of love His own Son to die for our sins, so we might have life with the Father. Hence, what is Jesus point here? It was that soon God's Holy Spirit would be pour out changing the way a person looked at God, that is, from a law giver and judge to a loving Father. But without Holy Spirit, and the life of Christ Jesus, one could not know this or love their enemies.
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Matt.5:45 that you may be children of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust.
Can we make ourselves into children of God by obeying this commandment? No we can't, does that offend you? Well, hopefully you will consider the whole truth, which is, without the life of Christ Jesus in us we are not God's children, and we can't love our enemies as Christ Jesus loves them with the mind of God.
The mind of God which Christ Jesus is entrusted with for his body members is not partial it does not have two sets of standards for judgment, one for the good and one for the evil, no! God loves all the same by His law of love, He allows us to have a free moral will to choose good and evil as He did Adam and Eve. What He does not do is shut off the heavens because people chose to be wicked against his righteous laws. God does not than take their free will and punish them, no! God blessed His enemies by giving them the same good gifts of life as He does those that are good. God does not Himself become unjust having two sets of judgments one for the wicked and one for the righteous.
If a person is honest, and believes in God they would question themselves based upon their own judgment and hatred of their enemies - how just God truly is? They would know in their hearts that such kindness and love is far greater than any man can show. Moreover, they would leave such judgments of their enemies in the hands of God the one capable Supreme Being which judges righteously.
The giving of good too the wicked and evil does not come from the hearts of men, it comes from God heart whom loves the world so much He sent us the ultimate gift of love His own Son to die for our sins, so we might have life with the Father. Hence, what is Jesus point here? It was that soon God's Holy Spirit would be pour out changing the way a person looked at God, that is, from a law giver and judge to a loving Father. But without Holy Spirit, and the life of Christ Jesus, one could not know this or love their enemies.
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