Matt.5:46 For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Don't even the tax collectors do the same?
We human express love because we are made in the image of God a little lower than angels, but we are not God, and because we are not God we don't show the love of God. We show love based upon what? Those that love us. In other words, we show love to those that do good towards us, which is a merit based love.
Love of God is not partial that was the point just mention above in the verses Christ Jesus spoke (Matt.5:43-45), God lets it rain on all, giving all humans the blessing of the Sun, and the four seasons so they can live on earth. What He does not do as many Christian's teach, is shut off the blessings of Sun, and rain on the wicked while blessing just His own. God is not partial, He does not just bless His friends than treat others not worshiping Him differently. But we human can't do that, we love those loving us, and to say otherwise is a lie. How do we know that? Because God sent His Son to die for us. We can't love as sinners the way God loves, and that is why we have forgiveness of sins in the love of God Christ Jesus.
Our mouths have been shut by God's own righteousness in loving those we can't love. Moreover, if we are humble we can go to the same God of impartiality and have our sins forgiven daily for not loving our neighbor as ourselves, something the self-righteous scribes and Pharisee's could not do, nor could they understand because they were blinded by rule of law.
What they could do, is see clearly the speck in their brothers eye, but could not see the rafter of unloving judgment in their own eye condemning any that did not obey their teachings.
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Matt.5:46 For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Don't even the tax collectors do the same?
We human express love because we are made in the image of God a little lower than angels, but we are not God, and because we are not God we don't show the love of God. We show love based upon what? Those that love us. In other words, we show love to those that do good towards us, which is a merit based love.
Love of God is not partial that was the point just mention above in the verses Christ Jesus spoke (Matt.5:43-45), God lets it rain on all, giving all humans the blessing of the Sun, and the four seasons so they can live on earth. What He does not do as many Christian's teach, is shut off the blessings of Sun, and rain on the wicked while blessing just His own. God is not partial, He does not just bless His friends than treat others not worshiping Him differently. But we human can't do that, we love those loving us, and to say otherwise is a lie. How do we know that? Because God sent His Son to die for us. We can't love as sinners the way God loves, and that is why we have forgiveness of sins in the love of God Christ Jesus.
Our mouths have been shut by God's own righteousness in loving those we can't love. Moreover, if we are humble we can go to the same God of impartiality and have our sins forgiven daily for not loving our neighbor as ourselves, something the self-righteous scribes and Pharisee's could not do, nor could they understand because they were blinded by rule of law.
What they could do, is see clearly the speck in their brothers eye, but could not see the rafter of unloving judgment in their own eye condemning any that did not obey their teachings.
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