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Daily Bible Thought > Matt.6:8- Father Knows Before You Ask?

Matt.6:8 Therefore don't be like them, for your Father knows what things you need, before you ask him.

The fleshly mind repeats words out of fear to strengthen its spirit in the flesh to have the courage to face problems, but this is not of God, nor of the spirit. To walk in Spirit and truth, one must rest in faith that God will make the way out, not our words repeated because of a fearful circumstance.

Here Christ address the truth that God knows the very hairs of our head, knowing the very thoughts of our hearts before we speak words too him in prayer. Which is greater the words or the truth in our hearts too God? Simply, but our words deceive us into thinking God is a man that if we can say things correctly, He will act upon our request. But this confusion is of the fleshly mind, not of the Spirit and truth we should walk in!

It is not our words, but our faith in God that He acts upon, God is not going to act upon words coming from a fearful heart that will distort the law of love. What He will do is act upon our faith than He is always faithfully doing the correct thing, rather we understand it or not. It is our faith that is being tested not our words, it is God's goodness we put faith in, which cannot be corrupted. It is our faith that tells God if we impute evil too Him, by words of our fleshly mouth. But God loves our faith, which says: “let it be your will and not mind in this matter, I will wait upon you because you are good and I am not.”

Many words that is the way of religious self-righteous having their reward in full from the glory of men. How they love the smooth saying of words laced together in poetic prayers. How powerful the prayers coming from the fleshly mind to strengthen the will of flesh opposed to God and dead in Christ Jesus. But how humble are the prayers of the Spirit found in the inner chambers of sinners heart.

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