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Daily Bible Thought > Matt.6:9 - Making God's Name Holy?

Matt.6:9 Pray like this: 'Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy.

The so called model prayer repeated by many since Christ Jesus time upon earth, but do they understand their own request in light of Christ Jesus words written above this prayer?

Does a human kept God's name holy, it is by their efforts that God's name is made holy? If so what does faith have too do with making God's name holy? Will nothing, because faith in God making us holy by the blood of His Son Christ Jesus. We are vessels washed clean by Christ righteousness which sanctifies us as the temple of God, subsequently, keeping God name holy among men. But it is also important when Christ made the point of saying our Father is in heaven not upon the earth by some representation of him in the flesh or something carved by human hands into a idol.

The keeping God's name holy is the high priest position, in this case the Son of God whom made God's name holy by not sinning under his righteous laws. It is the blood of Christ Jesus that made God's name holy among mankind upon earth which blood is a witnesses to God great justice and love for mankind.

We cannot make God's name holy by doctrine, we can sanctify God's name in our hearts by walking in Spirit and truth, which is the life of Christ Jesus given us as God's unmerited kindness. We cannot keep God's name holy by saying a certain pronouncement of it, because God will sanctify His own name among the nations, not some man with good intention. Moreover, we cannot make God's name holy by an earthly organizations. God has sanctified His own name by giving us the life of His Son Christ Jesus, what we can do by faith is accept Jesus Christ and walk humbly before our God.

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