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Daily Bible Thought > Matt.6:10 - Let Your Kingdom Come!

Matt.6:10 Let your Kingdom come. Let your will be done, as in heaven, so on earth.

Such beautiful words by Christ Jesus to thinking having the peace and unity on earth that is in heaven with God and his holy angels, is this the will of God Christ was speaking too here for his listeners? Yes, but we must remember, what it is not, is one will of control by laws of an iron fist legislating obedience like a worldly institution, which will crush anyone; even the little one that stands in the way of the greater good.

No, the one will which Christ speak too here is the will that was lost to the human race that Christ came to restore, love. The law of God Himself, which is life itself, it is more than a legal document many Christian's think of because reading their bibles as law book because their religious institutions teaches it as a law book. Organized religion has canonized the word of God, just as worldly governments have with their own constitutional laws, why? To suvive in a world as part of goverment run religions.

It is bad when Christian's cannot understand the the law of love, which is a living law written into God creation, such as his angels, Which law of love is not canonized into a big rule book, or a legal library, somewhere in heaven that the angels study out of. No! Being a living law means the law when it becomes our own at some future date is the eternal life of God sustaining us for an eternity. Christ is the temple God where he has placed his own life in to writing the Royal law into the hearts of God's adopted children. This law cannot be seen written in some book some where it is written by God's Spirit into our hearts. It can't legally be known as most organized religion teaches, it can only be known by Spirit so we know the truth of our heavenly Father as a loving good Father that has redeemed us by His love through Christ Jesus.

Why is this important? Simply because reading the bible is good, but it is not good when it is legislate laws created for the wicked from the bible for unity among fleshly minded members, this is very bad. When God's will is done on earth as it is in heaven so goes the laws of sinful humans - into walking in love by Holy Spirit, as Adam and Eve did before failing into the sin, which created laws of the flesh to punish wickedness in other humans. The law of love unity will set creation free like the wind blows where it wants, without being made to by concrete laws written upon stone creating a result, but not freedom of expression and trust for our heavenly Father as Adam and Eve had and than lost by sinning creating the mind of the flesh opposed to God's mind in Christ Jesus.

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