Proverbs Inspirational Quotes > “The unrighteous takes both sides of every issue if it will bring down their enemies. They stand for nothing, and do evil to justice!”
October 17, 2019
“The unrighteous takes both sides of every issue if it will bring down their enemies. They stand for nothing, and do evil to justice!”
Romans 16:18 For those who are such don't serve our Lord, Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by their smooth and flattering speech, they deceive the hearts of the innocent.
Psalms 55:21 His mouth was smooth as butter, but his heart was war. His words were softer than oil, yet they were drawn swords.
Job 32:21 Please don't let me respect any man's person, neither will I give flattering titles to any man. 32:22 For I don't know how to give flattering titles; or else my Maker would soon take me away.
Psalms 12:3 May Yahweh cut off all flattering lips, and the tongue that boasts.
Facts: In a study first published in 1998 in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (1), children were rewarded for simply ‘doing their own thing’ – drawing, playing and so on. But when the rewards were discontinued, the children tended to lose interest in the activity. They went from being satisfied with the intrinsic reward the enjoyment of doing the activity for its own sake to contingent reward – doing the activity for the sake of an external reward. Contingent reward reduces the appeal of intrinsic reward. The children stopped seeking satisfaction from the activity itself and started expecting it from a source outside the activity, such as the praise of an adult. If this outside reward wasn’t forthcoming, they lost interest. So, expecting praise for doing things can pretty soon make that thing seem not worth doing at all if you don’t get the praise. Facts by Mark Tyrrell's
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October 17, 2019
“The unrighteous takes both sides of every issue if it will bring down their enemies. They stand for nothing, and do evil to justice!”
Romans 16:18 For those who are such don't serve our Lord, Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by their smooth and flattering speech, they deceive the hearts of the innocent.
Psalms 55:21 His mouth was smooth as butter, but his heart was war. His words were softer than oil, yet they were drawn swords.
Job 32:21 Please don't let me respect any man's person, neither will I give flattering titles to any man. 32:22 For I don't know how to give flattering titles; or else my Maker would soon take me away.
Psalms 12:3 May Yahweh cut off all flattering lips, and the tongue that boasts.
Facts: In a study first published in 1998 in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (1), children were rewarded for simply ‘doing their own thing’ – drawing, playing and so on. But when the rewards were discontinued, the children tended to lose interest in the activity.
They went from being satisfied with the intrinsic reward the enjoyment of doing the activity for its own sake to contingent reward – doing the activity for the sake of an external reward. Contingent reward reduces the appeal of intrinsic reward. The children stopped seeking satisfaction from the activity itself and started expecting it from a source outside the activity, such as the praise of an adult. If this outside reward wasn’t forthcoming, they lost interest.
So, expecting praise for doing things can pretty soon make that thing seem not worth doing at all if you don’t get the praise. Facts by Mark Tyrrell's